In Which Areas Are Industrial Valves Used?

Categories: Company News

Industrial valves are devices that determine the direction of movement of water or liquid flowing through the valve or completely cut off the flow. The valves we use in many parts of our daily lives consist of different types.

industrial valve varieties cover a large area as a field of use. Valves, which are encountered in both daily and industrial areas, are mostly preferred in production areas. We can list the general usage areas of industrial valves as follows:

  • food production facilities
  • Shipbuilding facilities
  • Heating lines
  • Cooling lines
  • Lines passing natural gas
  • Within water facilities
  • Within the waste facilities
  • In the formation of air handling units
  • In fire extinguishing installations
  • Power generation stations, chemical and especially petrochemical plants
  • On gas and exhaust lines
  • On piping

Industrial valves, which are preferred in this and many other areas, should be selected by considering different types. If you choose a valve that is not suitable for the area you will use, you will not be able to provide an efficient service in the area. For this reason, its features should be examined well and a correct selection stage should be carried out.

Industrial Valve Features

Industrial valves, which are encountered in daily life, especially inside buildings, contain many features within their own structure. We can list these features as follows:

  • They have a long-lasting structure
  • They are light weight
  • They provide ease of use
  • They take up little space with their small size
  • They provide a low pressure drop
  • They have good sealing property
  • Thanks to its various possibilities, the usage area is very wide.

Industrial valves are of great importance with these features. kazanis growing and constantly evolving. Do not forget to visit the site given below to have and examine the industrial valves suitable for the area you will use. You can get an easy use with the right choice of industrial valve.